Reading Time: 2 minutes Knowingly or unknowingly you have used spaces instead of tabs, or the tabs are inconsistent in your python code. To solve this problem you should first make it apparent what is culprit and where is the culprit. I mean to display the spaces and Tabs. To see that you can follow the steps below in… Continue reading What is the “inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation” error and why is it caused? and what is the solution
Reading Time: < 1 minutes RolloutCD helps you to deploy your PHP, Python webapps on the cloud with No Dowtime, No Scripting, No Yaml too. Don’t believe my words, see for yourself.
Reading Time: < 1 minutes is a Book Sharing Platform, where you can share your used books and earn money from it.
FREE TRIAL for all Gigs
Reading Time: < 1 minutes Share the code “NEPSDOTINFTRIAL” to get Free Trials. 1 Week FREE TRIAL will be provided for assignments one month and above. 2 days Free Trials will be provided for an engagement of between 1 week and 3 weeks.
WordPress Gigs
Reading Time: < 1 minutes Built WordPress Plugin for for admin related features using WordPress hooks and WordPress filters. Built WordPress theme using WordPress Theme development. Have solid understanding of WordPress APIs, hooks and filters. Built Child Theme for WordPress. Analyse and Fix any issues related to PHP, Server, CSS, JavaScript in WordPress.
FullStack / Generalist Gigs
Reading Time: < 1 minutes Built Full Stack web applications using RESTFull API / Web Services on the backend using Flask, Django (Python 3), Django Rest Framework, Using Laravel, CodeIgniter, YiiFramework, Kohana Framework. Use Angular, ReactJs at the frontend for consuming web services built at the backend services. Using Swagger for API Schema design. Used MySQL db for storing and… Continue reading FullStack / Generalist Gigs
Frontend Gigs
Reading Time: < 1 minutes Built Single Page Web applications using AngularJS 1.2. Built Angular 8 based Single Page Applications (SPA). Built Responsive Web Design with and without using Bootstrap following the less is more design principle. For me, writing HTML5 means writing semantic HTML5 markups. Cross-Browser Compatible! (Firefox,IE9+, Chrome, Safari, Opera) using HTML5 & CSS3 Build Responsive Design… Continue reading Frontend Gigs
DevOps Gigs
Reading Time: < 1 minutes I manage VPS on Cloud services like Google Cloud, AWS, DigitalOcean. I have setup webserver Apache on DigitalOcean, Google Cloud Platform, AWS with VirtualHost for several clients on Ubuntu 14.04 and above I have setup Firewalls using UFW, IPTables on Linux VPS I have setup AWS S3 To serve static content like images, CSS files,… Continue reading DevOps Gigs